HydraMist - Simultaneous Cold Vapor/Pneumatic Nebulization Spray Chamber

The Glass Expansion HydraMist is a sensitive, simple-to-use spray chamber for Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)
that allows simultaneous operation of both conventional pneumatic nebulization and cold-vapor/hydride generation. Cold vapor generation can provide more than 10-fold improvement
in sensitivity on ICP for cold vapor forming elements such As, Sb, Se, Tl and Hg. The generation of volatile species of these elements results in increased analyte loading of the analytical plasma giving lower detection limits.
The design of the HydraMist spray chamber is based upon Glass Expansion’s industry-standard cyclonic spray chamber,
giving excellent sensitivity and short-term analytical precision with fast washout. The HydraMist spray chamber features a secondary inlet port that mixes the aerosolized sample
and liquid reductant inside the spray chamber for rapid conversion of the As, Sb, Se, Tl and Hg analytes into volatile hydride species.
The unique drain design ensures fast, complete removal of waste from the spray chamber, eliminating excess hydrogen build-up that causes sample reflux degrading analytical precision.
The HydraMist spray chamber features:
Simple to setup with fast changeover, the HydraMist Spray chamber can be operated in one of 3 different modes. The simple mode provides (figure 1.) simultaneous hydride and pneumatic nebulization mode
with 5 fold improvements for detection limits of the hydride forming elements while maintaining analytical performance for non-hydride elements. With the addition of an extra sample input and t-piece (figure 2.)
the HyrdraMist provides a sensitive, simultaneous cold vapor and pneumatic nebulization mode with more than 10 fold improvements in detection limits for the cold vapor elements
without compromising the performance of non-hydride forming elements. Finally, it can be used as a conventional cyclonic spray chamber with pneumatic nebulization.

HydraMist KitsDr Khouzami Laborgeräte |